Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Update on Project


So far for this assignment I have found a video based on Nelson Mandela about the defeat of Apartheid as well as what occurred during the time that he was in jail for almost 30 years. He was an important poitical figure during this era; infact he became the president of Souh Africa from 1994-1999. I gathered metadata from the video which includes;

The title of the video: First Nelson Mandela Interview
When the video uploaded: February 14th 2007
When the video was recorded: May 21st, 1961
The number of people who watched the video: 250, 38 (From when I watched it)
Area to post comments: Includes comments from people who watched the ideo based on their opinions.
Category of the video: News and Politics
Video tags: present, first, nelson, mandela, interview.
The videos that are linked to the video: Examples would include videos about Mandela bbeing released from jail, Interviews with Nelson mandela, Videos about Apartheid in general, Poverty during the time of Apartheid, Him on Robben Island where he was in jail, as well as a video on Martin Luther King. Jr.
Although most of the videos are based on Apartheid and Nelson Mandela, I feel as though the Martin Luther King. Jr video appeared because both him and Mandela were activist leaders fighting for freedom,independence, justice, and integration within a society.

I have gathered some photos which include anti-apartheid posters, campaigns that were made during this time such as the segregation between white and black individuals, pictures of posters that indicate what facilities are permitted for white people and what is permitted for black people, protests, and political figures.
These pictures includes;
The website it was taken from
When it was posted on the website
The time frame of the photograph
Tags on the pictures
Captions about the pictures

My nextstep was do do text analysis on the 1952 Separate Representation Voters Act No. 46 which is a document based on the removal of all Cape Coloureds from the present electoral roll; the drawing up of a new electoral roll for Coloured males able to meet the existing literacy and property qualifications.
As well as find other treaties to do a text analysis on.
The South African Border War also took place during the time of Apartheid, and I plan on doing a map of the areas of where the war was located.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Project Pitch

For my project I will be researching the historical event of Apartheid which occurred in South Africa between 1948 and 1994. During this time the National Party Government ruled a system of racial segregation. I chse this event because Iwould like to take a further look in because I am South African, and I have faily memebers that lived throughout this era. I thought it be interesting to look back upon history. This was also during the time that Nelson Mandela went to jail for 30 years, but he later became the president in 1994. There are many political issues, as well as issues dealing with racism and oppression that took place. I will be examining the events that took place such as the elections, wars, laws, and policies that were placed. There are many resources that I will be able to utlilize in order to complete this project.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Oedipus The King

Oedipus The King http://classics.mit.edu/Sophocles/oedipus.html

For this text analysis assignment, “Oedipus The King” which is a play written by Sophocles. I was familiar with the “Oedipus Complex” created by Sigmund Freud which I learned about in a psychology course that I took last year. The complex states men secretly want to murder their fathers and have sex with their mothers because they men goes through a process of a “castration anxiety” As a result men marry women who resemble their mothers.

This play is based on this complex. During the time that Sophocles wrote this play, the people that watched it had prior knowledge of this. This year in my theatre class, I read the play as well. From a young age Oedipus and his parents Jocasta and Laius learned about the prophecy which states that Qedipus will kill his father in order to become king, and marry his mother and have children. Jocasta and Laius were determined to manipulate the prophecy; therefore they attempted to murder their son, but unfortunately the messenger did nott follow the instructions and gave the son Oedipus to another family. As a result, the prophecy is fulfilled. Jocasta commits suicide, and Oedipus goes into exile.

Sophocles wrote many of his plays between the period of 496-406 BC. During this period only men performed theatre, and would take the multiple roles of male and female characters. This challenges the idea of whether humans have free will or if there is a greater god which controls our destiny.

From the knowledge that I have gained from the text in the play, I have decided to perform a text analyses on this. Some of the basic information on this play include:

Play Title: Oedipus the King
Playwright: Sophocles
Language: English
Translation: F.Storr
Setting: Thebes
Character:s: Qedipus, Priest of Zeus, Jocasta, Creon, Tiresias, Chorus of Theban Elders, Messenger, Herd of Laius.
Media Type: Translated Text in English
Links: Home page, Search Tool, Browse and Commentary, Help Tool, and Purchasing of DVD’s and CD Roms.

On this page only part of the text is available, but there is a link to download the full text.

The basic function for this particular webpage is for people to read the play and obtain a better understanding whether it is for a class or personal interest. On the main page of the website, people are able to access different Greek and Roman literature. Each writing is translated into English. One can search for the author of a play or story as well as different themes to find one that pertains to one’s curiosity.

One form of analysis that I used was the Wordle. If an individual does not know about the text, the wordle can give a sense of of stories by looking at the pronouns, nouns, adjective, verbs, and adverbs. The wordle calculates the word usage and word frequency. The words in the largest font are the names of the characters within the play. The words surrounding the characters are the adjectives that describe the characters such as Oedipus being the king, the lord, fear from the prophecy, murderer from the Oedipus killing his own father, and the blood from Jocasta’s suicide. The verbs include seek, which refers to the prophecy, and speak from when the characters interact with one another. Many of the nouns include words such as thee, thou, art, ye, and thine. These words give a sense of how the translation is written in Old English, meaning that a person will obtain a time frame of when the play was written. I utilized the many either website and decided to create a word tree as well. Due to the fact that this play is a piece of literature, I felt that a word tree would be useful this calculates word frequency and connects the most commonly used with the use of different contexts that the words is used. Oedipus was the most commonly used word in the text; therefore most of the words are connected to what he says, does, or feels.


This is a link to my wordle. :)

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Text Analyisis and Digital Tools

In today's lab we took a look at different types of text analysis and digital tools. I was a part of Team Starbuck, and we took a look at the New York Times Visualization Lab and how this website can be used as a source for text analysis.

The New York Times Visualization website is a program that allows people to use various forms of analysis. The type of data you can use to analyze using the tools available consists of the New York Times articles because this website strictly looks at these articles and provides different forms of digital tools.The information that one can extract from the data include word frequency, word counts, word consistency, word associations, maps, charts, graphs, and a summary of statistics. The website permits users to upload files to submit different types of text analysis that the users created. One question that was drawn to the group's attention immediately was why only certain types of tools come up for certain pages and not others.

This website was fairly simple for any person to utilize, although I found that I have to play around with the website. The population that is interested in the New York Times magazine can access this visualization page to gather and retain more information about the articles that are present in the magazine. Students that are researching an article can utlize this website for a better or simpler understanding of the article. The website might also be used by scholars and professors, people with an interest in literature or pop culture, historians, geographers,or it can be viewed for fun. It is a good visualization source and it is easy to comprehend the information given. If an individual was unaware of the articles in the magazines, that individual would not have a difficult time following through the website, but it would be simpler to find an article that appeals to one's interest. The website also includes the full articles with the analytical and digital tools. Unfortunately, depending upon the type or article one chooses to ake a close look at, only particular forms of text analysis will be available.

An example of this would be the article referring to Barack Obama's inaugaration speech. Due to the fact that there were not any statistics noted in his speech, charts, graphs and maps were not the forms of text analysis used. Instead word clouds and word trees were used. These forms measured word frequency, word association, and word trends. In some of the files that users created, one can narrow down the search by specifically looking for a sections or word and finding all of the phrases related to the word. The reason that we chose this article as appose to others is due to our common interest, and that fact that it was an article that the group could recognize in terms of the person it was related to.

One point that I remembered was the fact that the number of analytical and digital tools were created by other users and maybe an individual ad a difficult time finding a different way to display other forms of text analysis or the person is creatively searching for a method to make all types of analysis be accessible for any text.On the website there were other articles where the analytical and digital tools were mainly statistics, and graphs. Some had a combination of both, but there was a lack of continuity. Each type of tool device can be useful depending upon what an individual is looking for or depending on the type of article it is. In terms of the Obama reading the I found that the word tree was the most useful, because it displayed different word variations, allowed a user to narrow down the search to a particular section of the article, and one can focus on the main phrases or points of the article.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Blog number 2

Part 1:
• Brief Descriptions of Boethius and she makes reference to his book “Consolations of Philosophy”
• Her own personal opinion about university.
• She question herself about university.
In the article “What’s the point of a college education” by Janet D. Stemwedel, the three paragraphs are about here opinions and how she feels about the importance of college education. In paragraph four she notes that a college education and job training are not the same thing. I agree with this statement because in university one takes a variety of courses to see which potential job one can pursue in the future. She questions why people spend their time and money on university. In this reading, there was a reference made to Boethius. I searched for this individual vic the internet. He is a Roman patrician and Master of the offices for the King of Theodoric. According to the article he wrote a book called the “Consolations of Philosophy”. There was a brief description about Boethius and his life.

The paper version of the article contains the name of the author as well as where the article is located with the website name. The actual website contains a picture of the author with information about where she comes from and her education. The date that this was posted on was October 2nd, 2006 at 9:30 p.m. The article has a category name so that people can search for different topics on the website. It is located under Academia with the sub-sections Personal, Philosophy, and Teaching and Learning. Beneath the article the is an area where people are able to post comments.

Part 2:

Physical Object: Table, creator: Unknown/carpenter of some sort. Materials used: wood, metal, hammer, screws, screwdriver. Use of material: To allow materials to be put into it or to carry the weight of other objects. Color of the materials: Black purple-white. There are little squiggly line designs on the surface of the table.

Digital Text: A Midsummer Night's Dream -- http://shakespeare.mit.edu/midsummer/full.html
Author: William Shakepeare. Website created by Jeremy Hylton, Operated by the Tech. Written in the 1590's. Written in Shakespearean language, which is old English. Format: Html Subject: Play written for many people to enjoy. On the website (the page where the play is contained) where the script is located i would indicate, more about the contents of the play and where it takes place. Midsummer night's dream is a comedic play written my William Shakespeare.

Digital Image: Beyonce performing -- http://www.google.ca/imgres?imgurl=http://blog.themavenreport.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/01/beyonce_performing1.jpg&imgrefurl=http://blog.themavenreport.com/%3Ftag%3Dbeyonce-knowles&usg=__mRHymlEzZtVjQq2tTNiWv059Wks=&h=672&w=450&sz=48&hl=en&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=3bSNrVK6Kc8qbM:&tbnh=151&tbnw=89&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dbeyonce%2Bknowles%2Bperforming%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26biw%3D1525%26bih%3D918%26tbs%3Disch:1&um=1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=121&vpy=527&dur=4007&hovh=274&hovw=184&tx=124&ty=189&ei=fWyiTL6SNpWL4Qa_kIGyBA&oei=fWyiTL6SNpWL4Qa_kIGyBA&esq=1&page=1&ndsp=50&ved=1t:429,r:30,s:0

This is a picture of Beyonce who is performing which was taken on January 18th, 2008 by Maven. There are tags in a picture of Beyonce Knowles as well as Matthew Knowles, even though he is not in the picture. The picture takes place at a an award show and it indicates that she is a celebrity. Matthew Knowles makes a statement about Beyonce saying that she will be performing at the music awards in Germany. The language is in English. This is located on The Maven Report which is a blog post.

Video: Step up 2 The streets.- Final dance off. -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RTq7w9Glv1E
This video takes place in the movie Step Up 2. This is the dance scene from the end of the video. The battle is between many groups and at the end it came between two groups. This video was located on the youtube website. There are comments that different individuals are able to post onto the video. The video is in English. There is not a date on the video, but my assumption is that it was posted when movie was released on DVD.

The process involved finding four objects to work with, as well as searching for the metadata located with the objects. The digital objects had links attached to it where you find more metadata on the object. In terms of choosing a physical object, digital text, digital image, and a video, I choose a table inside the classroom, Shakespeare play “A Midsummer Nights’ Dream”, A picture of Beyonce Knowles, as well as a dance video from the Step Up 2 movie. I choose these items because they are related to my own interests. I enjoy listening to music in particular rhythm and Blues artists such as Beyonce. I like reading Shakespearean plays, in fact in grade nine my class was required to read the play “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” which is a Shakespearean Comedy. I enjoy dancing and watching dance movies. Metadata is data about data. It is constructed by us for a purpose and it can be useful. From the metadata that I have gathered about these objects, I was not surprised by the metadata that I found about the objects. It depends upon where the object what type of object it is, and where the object is located. A photograph will have tags on the picture as well as who took the photograph. Since the video was on youtube, the information contained the characters of the video as well as the comments posted under the video. I did notice that the quote “The past was analog, the future is digital” holds true. The digital objects have more metadata attached to the object and you can learn more about objects. Whereas with a physical object, the is only so much information that you can gather from observing the object.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Remidiation Lab

This week in humanities class, we focused on remidiation. The goal was to fin the gaps between the old medium and the new. My partner and I worked together to search for an object that has been remidiated. We chose Netflix.

Netflix is a service which provides online Blue ray and DVD for television and movies. It can be rented through mail, as well as internet streaming. Many individuals are able to use this resource. This allows the public to view a variety of films and televiion shows through the computer or television. The goal is to examine how netflix is a source of remediation.

Eric was my partner today and he introduced the netflix website to me. He explained the functions of the website, which led me to be intrigued by this new form of remediation. He explained the functions of the website, which led me to be intrigued by this new form of remediation.

Netflix is the media form of video rentals; however in this instance it is done through the computer. The remediation being performed is that one is able to rent videos without having to go to the video store. One can search online for the film and within twenty-four hours have the video delivered to one’s house. There are two forms of remediation involved in Netflix. It emphasizes the new media rather than replaces it because although one can access movies through the website, an individual can still go to the video store since it continues to exist. The second form of remediation is that the older medium, as in the video store, is being represented in digital form, which is the computer. Netflix guarantees that one will always obtain the movie that one is searching for; whereas when an individual goes to blockbuster, there is the potential that the video may be sold out due to the other people who rented the same film. Subscribers are entitled to unlimited hours of media and there are no additional costs added. Those who have a plan costing $4.99 are entitled to two DVDs per month, and one DVD can be viewed at a time. This can only be accessed via the computer. When one obtains a customer credit card, late fees become non-existent. Netflix is affordable to utilize and provides entertainment for many individuals. All the effort done by going to the video store and searching for the desired movie has been simplified by using the internet or mail. Nowadays many people watch films and television shows online. Considering the busy lives that many individuals live, this form of media is very convienet for the public. In particular when one does not have the time to watch a show or a mvie that aired on television, this source gives one the oppurtunity to watch the program when a person is available. Ultimately netflix is a great way of connecting people media, whilst making life simpler for everyone.

Thursday, September 16, 2010


Hello everyone :)

My name is Shoane Molefe. I am a second year student at the University of Victoria. I plan on going into the social work program next year to obtain my bachelors. After doing so, I will be going to Law school for my degree. My hobbies include singing, and dancing. I enjoy watching theatre, in particular musicals. I also enjoy going to the gym when I am not tired or lazy.