Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Project Pitch

For my project I will be researching the historical event of Apartheid which occurred in South Africa between 1948 and 1994. During this time the National Party Government ruled a system of racial segregation. I chse this event because Iwould like to take a further look in because I am South African, and I have faily memebers that lived throughout this era. I thought it be interesting to look back upon history. This was also during the time that Nelson Mandela went to jail for 30 years, but he later became the president in 1994. There are many political issues, as well as issues dealing with racism and oppression that took place. I will be examining the events that took place such as the elections, wars, laws, and policies that were placed. There are many resources that I will be able to utlilize in order to complete this project.

1 comment:

  1. Shoane,
    I'd love to see more detail in your proposal, although your project management worksheet does cover a lot of the bases. Good job.
