Thursday, September 23, 2010

Remidiation Lab

This week in humanities class, we focused on remidiation. The goal was to fin the gaps between the old medium and the new. My partner and I worked together to search for an object that has been remidiated. We chose Netflix.

Netflix is a service which provides online Blue ray and DVD for television and movies. It can be rented through mail, as well as internet streaming. Many individuals are able to use this resource. This allows the public to view a variety of films and televiion shows through the computer or television. The goal is to examine how netflix is a source of remediation.

Eric was my partner today and he introduced the netflix website to me. He explained the functions of the website, which led me to be intrigued by this new form of remediation. He explained the functions of the website, which led me to be intrigued by this new form of remediation.

Netflix is the media form of video rentals; however in this instance it is done through the computer. The remediation being performed is that one is able to rent videos without having to go to the video store. One can search online for the film and within twenty-four hours have the video delivered to one’s house. There are two forms of remediation involved in Netflix. It emphasizes the new media rather than replaces it because although one can access movies through the website, an individual can still go to the video store since it continues to exist. The second form of remediation is that the older medium, as in the video store, is being represented in digital form, which is the computer. Netflix guarantees that one will always obtain the movie that one is searching for; whereas when an individual goes to blockbuster, there is the potential that the video may be sold out due to the other people who rented the same film. Subscribers are entitled to unlimited hours of media and there are no additional costs added. Those who have a plan costing $4.99 are entitled to two DVDs per month, and one DVD can be viewed at a time. This can only be accessed via the computer. When one obtains a customer credit card, late fees become non-existent. Netflix is affordable to utilize and provides entertainment for many individuals. All the effort done by going to the video store and searching for the desired movie has been simplified by using the internet or mail. Nowadays many people watch films and television shows online. Considering the busy lives that many individuals live, this form of media is very convienet for the public. In particular when one does not have the time to watch a show or a mvie that aired on television, this source gives one the oppurtunity to watch the program when a person is available. Ultimately netflix is a great way of connecting people media, whilst making life simpler for everyone.

1 comment:

  1. Shoane,
    This is a great start! Do you think that Netflix also affects the way that people interact with each other? If you take face-to-face interaction out of the equation, how people choose what movies to watch, do you think? Just some food for thought.
