Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Update on Project


So far for this assignment I have found a video based on Nelson Mandela about the defeat of Apartheid as well as what occurred during the time that he was in jail for almost 30 years. He was an important poitical figure during this era; infact he became the president of Souh Africa from 1994-1999. I gathered metadata from the video which includes;

The title of the video: First Nelson Mandela Interview
When the video uploaded: February 14th 2007
When the video was recorded: May 21st, 1961
The number of people who watched the video: 250, 38 (From when I watched it)
Area to post comments: Includes comments from people who watched the ideo based on their opinions.
Category of the video: News and Politics
Video tags: present, first, nelson, mandela, interview.
The videos that are linked to the video: Examples would include videos about Mandela bbeing released from jail, Interviews with Nelson mandela, Videos about Apartheid in general, Poverty during the time of Apartheid, Him on Robben Island where he was in jail, as well as a video on Martin Luther King. Jr.
Although most of the videos are based on Apartheid and Nelson Mandela, I feel as though the Martin Luther King. Jr video appeared because both him and Mandela were activist leaders fighting for freedom,independence, justice, and integration within a society.

I have gathered some photos which include anti-apartheid posters, campaigns that were made during this time such as the segregation between white and black individuals, pictures of posters that indicate what facilities are permitted for white people and what is permitted for black people, protests, and political figures.
These pictures includes;
The website it was taken from
When it was posted on the website
The time frame of the photograph
Tags on the pictures
Captions about the pictures

My nextstep was do do text analysis on the 1952 Separate Representation Voters Act No. 46 which is a document based on the removal of all Cape Coloureds from the present electoral roll; the drawing up of a new electoral roll for Coloured males able to meet the existing literacy and property qualifications.
As well as find other treaties to do a text analysis on.
The South African Border War also took place during the time of Apartheid, and I plan on doing a map of the areas of where the war was located.

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